Tax Matters
Individual Taxation
Manoeuvring through the maze of the Australian taxation system can be a daunting thing for any person.
The very act of filling out a tax return can bring an overwhelming release of butterflies in the sturdiest of stomachs. No wonder over 84% of taxpayers use registered tax agents.
At Astute Accountants & Advisory Solutions we don’t stop at simply completing the return. We endeavour to include every legitimate deduction that you may be entitled to, gained from our extensive knowledge in the taxation industry.
Many occupations and industries have specific entitlements (and sometimes restrictions) that are associated with them. You may be in an industry where a tax determination or ruling allows claims that you may not be aware of. Conversely, there could be restrictions on claims that you are making that could place you in the hot seat for a taxation audit.
Ultimately, you don’t want to be paying more tax than you are required, and you don’t want to fall foul of the prevailing auditing system by making incorrect claims.
Business Taxation & Compliance
The past number of years has seen substantial changes by the ATO regarding small business and the concessions that are available to them. The Simplified Tax System (STS) has allowed an accelerated depreciation method as well as numerous incentives such as the capital gains concessions which have provided tax planning opportunities like never before.
Today, more than ever, business taxation is not just a statutory duty… it is a critical part of your business strategy that is as important as both your business and marketing plans.
Business taxation is not simply about what you have done in the past twelve months… it includes what you are aiming to achieve in the future. Unless this factor is involved, your business will be severely limited in how it will grow.
The utilisation of our services will not only save you time and ulcers, but quite possibly money too!
Investment Property Owners
As the press has recently stated, the ATO have got investment property owners in their sights regarding interest and capital expense claims. Attention is also focused on the sale of property regarding any capital gain that may occur. The importance of correct record keeping is never greater than now!
We can assist in claiming the correct amounts allowable on your property thus capitalising on the full value of your asset. With our knowledge in investment property taxation, we can provide vital information on issues such as negative gearing and capital allowance expenses. We can also highlight such traps as black-hole expenses in relation to the pre-purchase costs of an asset.
Convenience, Competitive and Accessible
Our rates are highly competitive and provide great value in regard to the services each client receives.
We believe it important that our service is more to our clients than just a mandatory annual reporting exercise.
Our responsibility to you as your agent doesn’t stop at the lodgement of your return. We maintain that we are your agent through the whole year and are available for advice, to bounce ideas off and to generally assist with any taxation matters that may arise.
Our phone number is provided not simply to make appointments; but to allow you access to a valuable resource and service.
So, if you are looking for a tax service that will take the time to understand your position and better represent you, then why not contact us now to discuss your needs and wants.